托德·维特菲尔德博士在魏泽福长大,俄克拉何马州,总是梦想成为一名牙医。他追求从俄克拉何马州立大学西南大学学位。毕业后,他被几个大学牙科积极招募,他选择了内布拉斯加-林肯大学的名声有最好的临床牙科程序之一。在那里,他完成了他的博士学位1989年牙科手术。江南娱乐官网入口惠特菲尔德博士的第一个研究生的位置是在美国公共卫生服务工作从1989 - 1991。他很幸运,口腔外科医生,马克沃勒博士指示他复杂拔牙,从而推进他的口腔外科知识惠特菲尔德博士在1991年开办了他的私人牙科实践。江南娱乐官网入口惠特菲尔德博士是有能力与各行各业的人,成为一个伟大的资产越来越多成功的牙科实践。江南娱乐官网入口在阅读一篇文章在牙科实践管理、惠特菲尔德博士实现“双赢”江南娱乐官网入口的策略,将其他牙医纳入他的做法对他的病人执行程序。患者喜欢呆在“内政部”包围他们信任的员工。它减少了病人的压力水平知道惠特菲尔德博士是附近的回答最后的问题,导致病人得到他们需要的治疗。 The combination of a great bedside manner and all-inclusive services “in-house” quickly led to over 4,000 patients. Dr. Whitfield constantly advances his dental skills and knowledge. In 2008 he enrolled in the Misch International Implant Institute and completed both the Surgical and Prosthetics Implant Course totaling 175 hours. After years at the helm of a busy and growing dental practice, Dr. Whitfield realized that in order to spend more quality time with his family, he would need a better work-life balance. He understood that, with proper training and experience, his longtime interest in IV sedation could allow him to more easily control his work schedule, while offering an invaluable service to his patients. Following rigorous training in all aspects of IV sedation, in which he received advanced education in conscious sedation, as well as in airway management and medical emergencies, Dr. Whitfield met the requirements of the Texas state dental board to provide IV sedation services. Many patients were relieved to know that they could continue to receive the quality dental care offered by this practice, but now with the option of IV sedation. In March of 2016 Dr. Whitfield launched Dental Surgical Solutions to educate other dentists on the benefits of in-house sedation dentistry for their patients. Dr. Whitfield and his team are committed to providing their all patients with the very highest level of dental care in a warm and caring professional environment.